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Apostle MiniEnrich® Carboxyl Beads for Purification (5mL) (AMPure XP alternative)
Next-generation purification, size selection, and long-read size selection.
The Apostle MiniEnrich Purification Beads is designed for purification and clean-up of DNA fragments from the contaminants in NGS and molecular biology workflows. It can be used on samples after DNA isolation, fragmentation, PCR amplification, cloning, library preparation, etc. With proprietary Apostle MiniEnrich technology, the kit is featured for its more efficient removal of contaminants and recovery of DNA fragments of interest than current market-leading products.
- Novel magnetic nanoparticles structure and proprietary surface chemistry.
- Compatible with current workflows.
- Enhanced performance for specific removal of non-target fragments.
- Significantly improved magnetic response for less pelleting time and less beads carry-over.
- This product is an effective alternative to AMPure XP. AMPure XP is a brand name owned by Beckman Coulter. This product is not manufactured by Beckman Coulter.
Configuration: 5 mL
Cat #: A190607-5
Protocol: https://www.apostlebio.com/minienrich/Minienrich_Purification.pdf